Website Services and Plans
Business Card Sites
Designed to look like a business card, these sites provide customers and prospective customers with the necessary information to contact you. Twenty years ago you would never think of opening or running a business without having a Yellow Pages ad. In today's business world, you need to be on the web. or .net $54.95 Subsequent Years $30.95 yr
Sample Business Card Sites:

Allows you to customize your website with a description of your business, a contact link and some pictures of yourself or your business. This one-page site will provide a platform to promote your business as well as a foundation for future website expansion. (3 picture limit). or net $99.95 Subsequent Years $39.95 yr
Sample Business Description Sites:

Small Business Website
Expanding on the Business Description Site, the Small Business Website is designed for businesses that have a bigger story to tell. This four-page site will provide your business with a page to describe your company, detailed information on your products and services, a Contact Us page and a page to focus on specific services, team members or any other items that you may want to feature on your website. or net $199.95 Subsequent Years $59.95 yr
Sample Small Business Websites:

Large Websites
Our focus has always been on new and small business, so knowing that our clients will outgrow our new/small business approach, we have partnered with website developers who believe in the Keep It Simple approach to website development, regardless of the size of the site. This approach allows you to stay with Natmark Internet Services as your business continues to grow.
Interested in creating an online store? NatMark Internet Services can create a E-Commerce website designed to specifically fill your businesses needs. Our parent company, Lisman Holdings, can provide order fulfillment services. Contact Us for more information.
Examples of some of the websites NatMark Internet Services has designed: